Monday, October 18, 2010

Gloria Pt 2

As Gloria tears and blood hit the ground, the cloaked man wrapped his arm around her bare waist as the man holding the knife to her throat laughed hoarsely in her ear. Her young body began to tremble. Their intention clear and her fear growing in response.

The cloaked man licked her jawline, taking each droplet of blood onto his tongue.

Suddenly the ground around them shot up in flames in casing the men in a tight circle around young Gloria, then the ground gave way, plunging them into the earth below, leaving Gloria on a round platform with her two knifed attackers, both wildly looking around, confused and fearful.

A spiral of wind and lightening came though the flames and floated above Gloria and her captors. The woman within in the wind, held hands in a circle, heads thrown back. The flames and sands joined the spiral as their chanting grew louder.

The knifed men in their panic crawling to the edge of their sand platform, knifes laid forgotten as the woman float to the platform bringing the flame, sand and wind as a cage surrounding the platform and them all.

Gloria fell into the arms of the closest woman, the one with white blond hair drifting down her back.
"Viviene" Gloria sniffed into her dress as the brown haired woman removed  her own cloak and placed over Gloria's young shoulders.

A man yelped as he touched the flamed cage, the women didn't even turn around, they knew there was no way out.

Gloria her face a washed with tears, looked up at Viviene, "Where is Mummy"

The three woman smiled "Oh she coming baby, she coming"

When does a heart begin to heal from the end of friendship

Where does a heart begin, when its scars are still raw
When the simple exchange of words release old pains
The darkness contain within leaks out, a spiral of smoke that fills my senses

She has a hundred sins that she has never had to answer for
Her virtues have long been left behind
Morals a thing she has long discard

She speaks of belittlement and talking down, when this is her description of herself
I have just come to terms that the person I trusted to hold in my heart
My best friend, was my bully
The consent bullying wore on me, the moment I spoke up she grew more aggressive

It was a hard thing to realise I had made a mistake
This was the not a friend
To think of the things I let slide, the things I lost
I only have myself to blame, I was warned of who she would be
I didn't take it into account
I thought our friendship would rule it all
But I was wrong

There should be a cure for a break of a best friend as there is with a boyfriend
In movies there is always the friend when the lover goes away
But of when your best friend that is gone
Your meant to think a friendship can endure more

But at the end of the day I must draw a line
And abuse is not fair in any form
It is a subject you don't really think about
Bully as a child but as you enter adulthood you don't think of a friend being abusive
Abuse is never OK and most don't realise they are being abused as that's half its charm
You slowly lose who you are and their words are what you hear

So goodbye my old friend
Hello my freedom from abuse
And help me have the strength to stay away

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Glorias tears Pt:1

Gloria stood, her head thrown back, a cry escaping her lips. Her face was strained and torn, tears whipping down her face. Her summer dress that had been a gift only moments earlier, laid in tatters at her ankles, her young body of seven summers open and exposed. Her toes curling into the warm evening sand.

The knife they held to her throat, pushed with enough pressure that drops of blood started to appear. She was surrounded, she knew this, even though she couldn't see them she could hear their laughter.

Her screams got louder, her cries less controlled as her bare body shock against the salty wind. Her eyes staring ahead at the sea that was swirling with rage and the tears of the clouds that dropped heavily into the ocean.
Gloria knew if she could reached the ocean she would be safe, the waves would close over her and these men holding her would have no chance, her body would absorb the salt and she'd swim as a fish.

The knife dug deeper as a man in a heavy cape, the colours blending in the storm and ocean that was behind him,walked towards her with a slow a slow tilt. The speed showed he had nothing to fear. There was no rush for him.
His eyes seeped over Gloria's bare body, a smirk tight on his lips.

He frozen in front of her and leaned in for what seemed to be a kiss, then in one quick movement sliced her jaw with a knife that had been concealed in his clock.

His face so closed to her she could smell his sticky breathe as it flowed over her. Her blood adding to her tears.

She followed the light

She laid upon her bed, her room a light in twilight.
Her back pressed against her pillows, her body flooded with fear as her eyes searched the room.
 Edge to edge, wall to wall, searching for any sign of darkness.
Every corner alight, a lamp in every inch.
They said her room was  brighter in the night then the outside world in the day.
But she feared the shadows, what the darkness could hold.
The unknown and unseen
As her eyes prove to her heart their was no darkness to be found.
Not even the smallest shadow.
She let herself relax
Her heart returned to normal
As she drifted to sleep, not even aware of the fact she lived a life on the knife edge of fear and panic.
Nor did would she ever consider that a night could be slept in darkness, instead of her forever daylight
All she knew was this was her world, fear and all, this is how she would be